Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

2008. The year of unforeseen events.

It was when ten years of karma caught up with the Bear, as a $2 note.
When Iceland became the first handball-playing nation to become insolvent.
A $700 billion bailout plan was approved, to buy new money printing presses.
When US auto executives feared for their lives, riding in the cars they made.
The year when pirates got so rich, they were using media reps.
And the second-greatest scam ever didn't even involve Nigerian spammers (much to their chagrin).

If you have survived all that in 2008, then you have much to be thankful for - most too obvious to notice.

In 2009, please remember to be kind to those less fortunate - yes, even bankers.

I look forward to 2009, watching more dead cats bounce with you.

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