Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Bankers vs Management Consultants

Another article to fan the flames of war between Bankers and Management Consultants (needs subscription to McKinsey Quarterly).  According to the article:

"A shortage of strong internal candidates for critical positions will force European banks to overhaul their talent-management efforts in order to stay competitive and ensure strong growth."

Bankers will point out that this article (a) is stating the bleeding obvious, and (b) simply contributes to the already-low employee morale by vaguely referring to some of them as 'second-tier talent'.

Consultants will point out that (a) hey, they're just telling everyone what bank executives told them, and (b) they added value by stating the bleeding obvious in prettier pictures.


CBA looking to acquire Australian arm of ABN AMRO.  From what I've seen for some time now, CBA has been a relatively distant thought in the corporate finance arena (with possible exceptions in project finance and equity sales), while competitors NAB, ANZ and Westpac have been relatively known quantities due to broader and more aggressive offerings.  This, along with the Westpac/St George merger (which is still unfinished, by the way) will tilt the game somewhat.

A new race for the North Pole is born.  Polar bears ponder shaving and migrating to more tropical regions.

Nick Moore at MQG must have put on a great song-and-dance number to get the 12% one-day bump up yesterday.  Disclosure 1: Rockett Fuel has MQG shares.

Via Dealbreaker: amusing job ad.  Even more amusing are the commenters all trying to out-geek and out-quant each other over a simple "heads or tails" exercise, while simultaneously failing in basic counting when trying to respond to each other. 

Will be back in Sydney by this time next week... 

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