- Bankers snubbed. But then, if there are no bankers, who are they going to screw to finance their latest silly "creative outburst"? With trust funds at all-time lows due to the current market crisis and Mummy and Daddy going on long, expensive SKI (spending kids' inheritance) trips, I foresee a long-term decline in clubby clubs, and the eventual lifting of banker bans.
- Research to prove what I had always known. Now that we have proof that the optimal genetic portfolio must contain proportions of both Black and White, I contend that even better genetic portfolio returns are achievable by having an Asian exposure in the genetic portfolio. I contend further that, with the right SPV structures, one can create super-returns through Mixed-squared portfolios. Sample portfolio shown below*:
* Past portfolio performance does not guarantee similar future performance. Please consult your adviser before investing.

* Past portfolio performance does not guarantee similar future performance. Please consult your adviser before investing.

(We like balanced growth portfolios here in Rockett Fuel.)